Sicherheitslücke im ClamAV Virenscanner – Update empfohlen

Sicherheitslücke im ClamAV Virenscanner – Update empfohlen – Beim Open Source Virenscanner ClamAV wurde ein Sicherheitsupdate veröffentlicht, dass eine ganze Reihe von Lücken im System schließt, unter anderem auch eine Möglichkeit für Angreifer, über das System DDoS Angriffe auszuführen.

Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik rät daher dazu, die neuste Version schnell zu installieren. Konkret schreibt man dort:

Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in ClamAV ausnutzen, um einen Denial of
Service Angriff durchzuführen. Das BürgerCERT empfiehlt die zeitnahe Installation der vom Hersteller bereitgestellten
Sicherheitsupdates, um die Schwachstellen zu schließen.

Betroffen sind alle Versionen von ClamAV unter der Version 0.102.2.

Die gepatchten Sicherheitslücken im Detail:

  • CVE-2020-3123: A denial-of-service (DoS) condition may occur when using the optional credit card data-loss-prevention (DLP) feature. Improper bounds checking of an unsigned variable resulted in an out-of-bounds read, which causes a crash.
  • Significantly improved the scan speed of PDF files on Windows.
  • Re-applied a fix to alleviate file access issues when scanning RAR files in downstream projects that use libclamav where the scanning engine is operating in a low-privilege process. This bug was originally fixed in 0.101.2 and the fix was mistakenly omitted from 0.102.0.
  • Fixed an issue where freshclam failed to update if the database version downloaded is one version older than advertised. This situation may occur after a new database version is published. The issue affected users downloading the whole CVD database file.
  • Changed the default freshclam ReceiveTimeout setting to 0 (infinite). The ReceiveTimeout had caused needless database update failures for users with slower internet connections.
  • Correctly display the number of kilobytes (KiB) in progress bar and reduced the size of the progress bar to accommodate 80-character width terminals.
  • Fixed an issue where running freshclam manually causes a daemonized freshclam process to fail when it updates because the manual instance deletes the temporary download directory. The freshclam temporary files will now download to a unique directory created at the time of an update instead of using a hardcoded directory created/destroyed at the program start/exit.
  • Fix for freshclam’s OnOutdatedExecute config option.
  • Fixes a memory leak in the error condition handling for the email parser.
  • Improved bound checking and error handling in ARJ archive parser.
  • Improved error handling in PDF parser.
  • Fix for memory leak in byte-compare signature handler.
  • Updates to the unit test suite to support libcheck 0.13.
  • Updates to support autoconf 2.69 and automake 1.15.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 6. Februar 2020

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